Dear Cardano delegators,

today is the day! After much deliberation and wrongdoing, I have now decided to create and distribute the first WISE coins.
The first coins will go to my previous and loyal delegators who:

  • staked at least 1000 ADA
  • and staked at least 2 epochs at my pool
Due to the still very unpredicted tax situation in many countries, some delegates want to keep their rewards strictly separate.

I accept this of course and therefore I will only send the coins after your approval and if necessary to a different wallet address.
(For verification, I will send 1 ADA to the corresponding wallet address with the request for return – this is a guarantee that no fraud will be carried out. )

I’m sorry, but as long as we don’t have smart contracts, it’s gonna be a little cumbersome.

The following stake addresses will receive 10 WISE coins from me:

Active stakeStake KeyWallet address
7813 ADAstake1uyh5glq7s5s9kasehl4sv99696sjssfaypkxuyrky2x6nnq0w70dtaddr1q9gl52088wa3cn74tsu5y7dpekapdjptavx49u6lss646af0g37papfqtdmpn0ltqc2t5t4p9pqn6grvdcg8vg5d48xqfn49pe
3430 ADAstake1u90yga5etcftjme8nmx87aflqcdh923pjxyxgv94mxezsngdd8et7addr1q82lrltge8uasu557myu5rkvlk7sq9pfxvukkcn2u82mu8j7g3mfjhsjh9hj08kv0a6n7psmw24zryvgvscttkdj9pxsmj9y55
5100 ADAstake1uyjxa0f92dh8ftt325nq4sm58tg9fka76005nzdd688efjgrv34r9addr1qykthrrwvzn3rg7ckny0hd547p2lcmtqmyg4xytltpjgm5fyd67j25mwwjkhz4fxptphgwks2ndma57lfxy6m5w0jnys9x6muv
1764 ADAstake1uysl8uhepdguctuy42s69m9g53stfymrhpekr0gmapwdwyqz8mrn2addr1qxg4pvhgvxnxvn8zqzvxrhagtd2756scda4tkcu4qjdtazpp70e0jz63eshcf24p5tk23frqkjfk8wrnvx73h6zu6ugq8y6vft

The following stake addresses will receive 10 WISE coins from me in the future:

Active stakeStake KeyWallet address
in epoch 256 – 38238 ADAstake1u8vt9lwpzzjd2ls4dllcd8enlufuq6ldr43zarf0mydsyms83yxudaddr1qyhv3nlvkpfrtdremtfw4w4htgka8mge9cgggnyrml3nv7wckt7uzy9y64lp2mlls60n8lcncp4768tz96xjlkgmqfhqg6awzw

Of cource all new delegators also receive 10 WISE coins if you:

  1. stake min. 1000 ADA
  2. stay at least 2 epochs with my pool

Those are the only requirements! This offer is valid as long as I still have ADAs and do not go broke or decide to end the promotion for the time being 🙂
(because every time the coins are sent to you, I also have to send around 1.5 ADAs as a kind of fee)

Now we come to the exciting and beautiful part – what can I do with the coins?
At the first step I will create a kind of marketplace on my website, where you can redeem the tokens for the following things:

  • Voting participation in the WISE pool for the next charity to which the pool rewards (part of it) will be donated
  • A lottery ticket for a win over 50 ADA
  • percentage increase in rewards for an epoch where a block was minted
  • maybe some more things like Spotify or Amazon gift cards

These are my first ideas for the WISE Coins. I would be very happy about your feedback and hope to give something back to you.
I’m already looking forward to the smart contracts, where the whole thing can be made even better and more professional.

Please note that this offer is free of any warranty and primarily serves to give you a little added value in connection with my pool.

I hope to spice up your “delegator life” a bit, as well as bring you a bit closer to the Cardano ecosystem! > Because that’s what counts and that’s also my mission with my pool!

I would be glad about a lively participation,

your WISE-Pool (Arthur)

P.S.: The coins will be distributed after your consent in the next hours/days to the corresponding addresses (see above).

If you don’t find yourself in the list, please let me know on Twitter, Telegram or via E-Mail to info@wise-pool.eu.