we have now finished our work on the new infrastructure and are proud of the work done and the result! Since about a week our pool runs absolutely stable and even more secure on the new infrastructure and could already successfully produce new blocks.
Besides a 2nd relay in another region (Finland), the Block Producer Node is also located on the new server and additionally offers increased failover security through the Failover Node on the first server. (more information you can find in the screenshot)
With this extension we contribute significantly to the stability and decentralization of the Cardano network.
All these changes and therefore higher costs (~ 100€/ month) we took the risk that after the IOG sponsorship we will continue to find new delegators to support us.
Currently we are not on a good way: The IOG sponsorship will leave us in the next weeks, so we would end up with a live-stake of about 150K ADA. This result would be a pity and we hope to find new delegators in the near future!
I have decided to change my pool fees to the minimum possible settings.
As a result, only the 340 ADA will be deducted from the block rewards! Even if it does not make a significant difference in mathematical terms, I also do it to stay competitive and to give more to you delegators!
The changes will come into effect in 2 epochs: So from epoch 270!
I will keep these settings until the pool reaches about 10 million stakes in ADA.
today is the day! After much deliberation and wrongdoing, I have now decided to create and distribute the first WISE coins. The first coins will go to my previous and loyal delegators who:
staked at least 1000 ADA
and staked at least 2 epochs at my pool
Due to the still very unpredicted tax situation in many countries, some delegates want to keep their rewards strictly separate.
I accept this of course and therefore I will only send the coins after your approval and if necessary to a different wallet address.
(For verification, I will send 1 ADA to the corresponding wallet address with the request for return – this is a guarantee that no fraud will be carried out. )
I’m sorry, but as long as we don’t have smart contracts, it’s gonna be a little cumbersome.
The following stake addresses will receive 10 WISE coins from me:
Of cource all new delegators also receive 10 WISE coins if you:
stake min. 1000 ADA
stay at least 2 epochs with my pool
Those are the only requirements! This offer is valid as long as I still have ADAs and do not go broke or decide to end the promotion for the time being 🙂 (because every time the coins are sent to you, I also have to send around 1.5 ADAs as a kind of fee)
Now we come to the exciting and beautiful part – what can I do with the coins? At the first step I will create a kind of marketplace on my website, where you can redeem the tokens for the following things:
Voting participation in the WISE pool for the next charity to which the pool rewards (part of it) will be donated
A lottery ticket for a win over 50 ADA
percentage increase in rewards for an epoch where a block was minted
maybe some more things like Spotify or Amazon gift cards
These are my first ideas for the WISE Coins. I would be very happy about your feedback and hope to give something back to you. I’m already looking forward to the smart contracts, where the whole thing can be made even better and more professional.
Please note that this offer is free of any warranty and primarily serves to give you a little added value in connection with my pool.
I hope to spice up your “delegator life” a bit, as well as bring you a bit closer to the Cardano ecosystem! > Because that’s what counts and that’s also my mission with my pool!
I would be glad about a lively participation,
your WISE-Pool (Arthur)
P.S.: The coins will be distributed after your consent in the next hours/days to the corresponding addresses (see above).
If you don’t find yourself in the list, please let me know on Twitter, Telegram or via E-Mail to info@wise-pool.eu.
today i want to show an example on your stake rewards compared with big/small pools.
Yes, as a starting and small pool it is getting harder and harder to produce blocks and get involved with this to the cardano network!
As a pool operator, you must first ensure that you recruit new delegators so that your pool receives a higher stake. This is exactly what is currently a very big challenge, as many delegators are not informed!
My goal is to create some clarity here and to encourage delegators and pool operators not only to think about the rewards, but also also to the goals of the Cardano project.
If you decide to stake in a large pool (> ~ 1-2 million active pool stake), you will receive constant rewards throughout.
However, if you decide to stake to a small pool (<1 million), you can receive larger one-time rewards, but not in every epoch!
[EDITED – removed graphic]: I will try to make a new graphic of historical real examples to clarify this situation!
We have already founded a small group of currently 50 pool operators and are trying to support and educate:
There are also exciting discussions on reddit almost every day. Here are some very good aspects on the subject!: Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/cardano/comments/lwz0ni/discouraging_staking_with_multiple_stake_pools/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 "Hi, I posted in the cardano stake pool sub first to get a feel for whether there were others who shared the opinion that hosting multiple stake pools comes at the expense of small pool operators, and whether it defeats the goal of decentralization and shifts our networks towards more of an oligopoly. It seemed like there were, so I wanted to bring this here for a larger discussion. The two problems are 1) large pool operators continue to create more and more pools and advertise them rather than staking with or advertising small pool operators and 2) delegators continue to choose to stake with large pool operators who already have multiple pools. I'm not sure how flexible the mindsets are of the large pool operators to be able to convince them to shut down some pools, but considering problem #2, how can we better encourage new delegators to the cardano network to look for smaller pools?"
"In my opinion, we should encourage new delegators to choose big pools and encourage millionaire delegators to choose small pools. If you go to https://adaex.org/richlist and type in 1200000, you'll see that there are currently over 2500 wallets with over 1,200,000 ADA. Some of those are exchanges, but some of those are genuinely millionaire ADA holders. If you have millions of ADA, your rewards are actually very stable and the difference between stake pools is marginal compared to if you were a new delegator with a small number of ADA. For example, the difference between 100 and 160 is huge in relative terms (60% increase in expected rewards), but the relative difference between an expected reward of 2440 and 2500 is fairly small (~2.5%). Instead of concentrating into the big pools, if millionaire holders put their ADA into a small pool, then that would make a big difference in terms of decentralization.The reason I'd suggest new delegators to choose big pools is so that they can get rewards regularly and build up little by little. Also, larger pools will have slightly higher expected rewards due to the fixed cost of 340 eating away a big chunk of the rewards of the smaller pools. "